Serhiy Hai speaks succinctly of his works: “the visual range changes in nuances, and the words are repeated, because they contain basic things. From my painting you can determine my own line of soul, the line of tension. I don't like skill, most of my work came from a mistake - "controlled coincidence", poetic revelation. That's why I have every right to praise my works - knowing that it's a coincidence, I hardly interfere in them. "
Vladislav Shereshevsky plays, changes trumps, enjoys the variability of life and fortune. The game takes place independently of you: put the cards you received from fate, and the game belongs to you. Does it? We have heard that if you are unlucky in the cards, you will be lucky in love. And Shereshevsky has his own game rules: good luck in everything!
So where is the conflict? Come and see!