Victory Rushnyks

Triptych-Art Gallery, Imagine point
Triptych-Art Gallery
Date: 12.09.2023
Address: st. Desyatinna 13, Kyiv, Ukraine
Country, City: Ukraine, Kiev
Victory Rushnyks, Imagine point
Art can broadcast the perception of reality by disclosing deep emotions, thoughts, and experiences. The series of works "Victory Rushnyks" created by the Ukrainian artist Tetiana Rusetska and the exhibition of the same name in the Triptych Art Gallery are direct evidence of this.

In her works, the artist transforms pain, fatigue, and fear into expressive beauty, filled with symbolism and the desire for victory. The main feature of this series is the clear highlighting of the time context. She was born into the realities of war when many artists focused on suffering and destruction. But Rusetska chose a different approach, trying to find beauty and harmony in the most challenging times. Her works tell a story through symbols and metaphors.

The name "Victory Rushnyks" carries an important and weighty message. A Ukrainian Rushnyk is more than just a household item; it symbolizes unity, care, and well-being, the embodiment of an ancient amulet. In this context, it is essential to mention Ukrainian naive art, which can convey the deep essence with simple forms and bright images. In the works of Tetiana Rusetska, these images visualize the general desire for victory, for a positive, hopeful, peaceful life. However, the series of paintings has a deeper meaning. She calls us to think about our own limitations and fears that stand in the way of our everyday life. Isn't each of our days a victory over these internal barriers?

The "Victory Rushnyks" series became a kind of witness of its time, embodying the era's spirit. Amidst the cruelty of war, the artist found the strength to create beauty and harmony. "These days, it was impossible not to write war - and everyone was writing and drawing it... I couldn't. I wanted, despite the circumstances, to write something completely opposite, something that connects to the metaphysical field of love, protection, God's plan for good..." - comments Tetiana Rusetska.

Having chosen a symbolic approach instead of a direct depiction of war, the artist created images that reflect the desire for recovery and peace of the author and everyone who faced the fear and pain of that time. In a certain sense, the series became a barrier from cruel reality, the embodiment of the idea of restoration after destruction, the story of the victory of good over evil.

This series tells the story on different levels. At the bottom of many canvases are the wreckage of military equipment, as a symbol of destruction, and above them grow delicate flowers that extend from the ground. These metaphors show that although war can cause significant damage, nature can always revive what has been destroyed. These symbols become critical embodiments of the idea of victory and rebirth - the contrast between destruction and new beginnings, that even after the most difficult trials, there will be a moment of peace, tranquility, and renewal.

Tetiana Rusetska continues the Ukrainian artistic tradition, embodying a naive style in a new context with the help of skill, deep thinking, and the prism of personal experience. "Victory Rushnyks" is a message of hope and resilience. They are proof that goodness and justice always triumph over darkness and evil.

The article has been prepared for publication in Kyiv Daily.

The author of the text
Art expert and art manager of the Imagine Point Gallery
Daria Pozhydaeva

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